Sunday, December 11, 2011

Non-connected PAC

A non-connected PAC is a political committee that is not affiliated with a corporate entity. Often these PACs have an ideological mission. Leadership PACs of members of Congress are non-connected PACs. Unlike connected PACs, non-connected PACs must cover all expenses with regulated funds. Any monetary support or thing of value given to a non-connected PAC is considered a contribution[1].
These PACs may solicit funds from any eligible individual (who isn't otherwise prohibited from making political contributions). Unlike a connected PAC, they are not limited to soliciting members, executives, and shareholders; non-connected PACs may solicit funds from any individual eligible to contribute to federal political committees[2]. However, anything of value provided to a non-connected PAC counts as a contribution. A corporation (barred from making direct contributions) may not contribute to a non-connected PAC from treasury funds or by providing anything of value.

[1] "SSFs and Nonconnected PACs."
[2] Ibid.

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