Sunday, December 11, 2011

What can Political Action Committees Do?

A political action committee (PAC) may give direct contributions to candidates. PACs solicit contributions from interested individuals. Individuals may contribute a maximum of $5,000 per calendar year to a PAC. Connected PACs are limited to soliciting members of their restricted class. Corporations and unions may not make contributions to a PAC from treasury funds; however they may absorb the administrative expenses related to running the PAC. These absorbed administrative expenses do not constitute a contribution or expenditure.
A PAC may also make expenditures in support or opposition to a political candidate or a political issue. A PAC may conduct political research through polling, produce and distribute a television advertisement, send a mailer or other campaign activity. Publicly distributed materials must contain the correct disclosure statement indicating the political committee which funded the material or advertisement.
Since the Citizens United vs. FEC Supreme Court ruling and subsequent rulings from the FEC, PACs which intend to only make Independent Expenditures may solicit unlimited contributions from individuals, corporations, and unions. Because these PACs are only allowed to make independent expenditures, and never make contributions, they may accept unlimited contributions.

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